London Rice Brokers Association - LRBA Montly Circular

The monthly Circular

The LRBA Circular is published at the end of each month and provides a broad but concise overview of international rice market events over the previous month.  On a country-by-country basis, the Circular, which remains one of the most reliable sources of information for market players, reports all the information gathered by the Association’s broker members.  The downloadable issue is a good example (see right).

If you would like to register to receive the Circular every month by post, fax or email, please contact us using the LRBA Monthly Circular Registration/Contact Form.

Worldwide subscription charge for 12 copies:
By post: GBP 155.00 
By email : GBP 115.00
By fax : GBP 130.00 or GBP165.00 to India and Pakistan

Download an example of the LRBA Circular

Download an example of the LRBA circular


LRBA Circular Registration form